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Omen down by the river side.
Down by the river side
Down by the river side.
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Me In Obie. Posted by Picasa

What's the percentage of Taiwanese school kids who have to wear glasses because they are forced to study for so many long hours for such inane examinations? Hmm just noticed the pike. Hmm. May not be suitable for younger viewers. S'alright, it's under a bridge by the river. Posted by Picasa

I don't think this is anybody I know. Cool bike though. Posted by Picasa

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Omen knocks me out. Look at the shading he uses in his bigger pieces, and then look at this small one on the back of a light box. The dude is awesome. Doesn't have to carry a lot of different colors of paint either, huh? Posted by Picasa

This is across the lovely river from the Seduce Sofa Bar (formerly Napoli Pizza) on Hua Mei St. Another fine Omen/Sam production. Posted by Picasa

Here's another small piece by Omen on an electric transformer next to the little park between SOGO and Hua Mei St. Posted by Picasa


An abandoned lot just isn't an abandoned lot without a splash of color. Thbbtt. Posted by Picasa

Omen left this up on a bare wall three blocks from my apartment. There used to be a KTV on the corner of Dong Xing Rd and DaDuen 12th street (actually, I can't remember if it's 12th or 11th St, or even if it's called DaDuen there, but if you're reading this in England it doesn't really matter to you, does it?) Again, I gotta say thanks to 4Cru for beautifying the city. Posted by Picasa

No, 4Crew hasn't packed up and moved to N'awlins. The fine folks at Reuters have collected phrases that have been sprayed on the remains of the city. No pictures, just good clean black humor.